Nin Online Screenshot Contest


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3 hours ago, Ohadx said:

I wasn't expecting such tough competition or such heavy edits, now I'm gonna lose.

My chosen screenshot is the one I uploaded right here - the screenshots that are on Imgur are the rest which I didn't pick for the contest but could still be used as promotion material or something.





That's a solid picture imo.

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Let's talk about time.

What is it really like?

I think it is an unimaginable force that connects and divides.

It escapes quickly.

It can not be stopped, it can not be undone or accelerated.
We should value her while we can. Looking less merciless - it is worth to also value the time of other people.
People who appreciated our time.
People who are close to us.
They took precious seconds to show us how to do everything we can do today.
Only we can trust them one hundred percent. It is worth remembering that these people will not be forever.
Because time connects, and brutally divides.


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