Elements System


Element System Poll  

54 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like the new or old Element System?

    • New.
    • Old.
    • N/A.

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This poll is about whether we should use the elements system from the traditional Naruto one or swap the Earth and Lightning to be more realistic. You will be able to do everything you want to in the game with either approach, the main difference is that spells like Chidori will be a hybrid element rather than just being lightning.


Old NQIxGl3.png   New   sRzqbVE.png

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If its not broke don't try and fix it.Focus on what still needs to be done rather than editing what's already implemented. Patience in a man can only be stretched so far. I was optimistic about this game and the updates but so far that sentiment has been dwindling.

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If its not broke don't try and fix it.Focus on what still needs to be done rather than editing what's already implemented.


This poll was due to the elements system change several months ago not something just happening now.

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It makes more sense if water is conducted with lightning so I would go with new.

H20 doesn't conduct electricity btw. Any chemical bond without a metal does not conduct electricity well, H20 having no metal in it does not conduct, However it may not be pure water we are speaking of here.

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H20 doesn't conduct electricity btw. Any chemical bond without a metal does not conduct electricity well, H20 having no metal in it does not conduct, However it may not be pure water we are speaking of here.

Water does conduct electricity, and it conducts it extremely well. Water is special. It can be either ionic or covalent and electric currents love wet, ionic bonds. Water is wet and it is ionic, thus it will conduct a current very well. Not too mention the reason you shouldn't go swimming or be anywhere close to water during a thunderstorm.

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^ I thought it would be obvious, but yea try using a tazer(or broken, sparking wires, etc) in a small pool and tell me about it your still alive lol.


Nor do I see a bunch of rocks destroying water, because the water would simply slip through the cracks and float up, heck that's how our purification system works(well partial of it.)


Logical sense, even for ninjas, the new one would make much sense. Japanese do things backwards anyways.

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They're trying to push away from the Naruto universe as much as possible, but don't mind leaving non-cannon items in. Even if the elemental system is non-cannon, the new system could push for a 'original game.' There's always room to change and upgrade even if it isn't broken.

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This isn't a Naruto game, this is Ninonline. I'm not sure why you guys are bothering to even ask this.


It's what the community wants not what we want. Rory mentioned that people were upset about this, so we decided to poll it to find out if it was a good change to the game.


I'm all about being original, can't stand cloning something and not putting my own twist to it, but people usually hate change got to accept that. I feel that the design is better, but people just like what they are familiar with.

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I get that you trying to be original, but the old one kinda makes more sense, and would be easier for newbies comig in to understand (as its like naruto)  :/ Idk how Wind could possibly affect Earth to that much of an extent, but I get the wind against lightning

Yea that I see a problem, but I guess it would be like putting a tennis ball in the air and high wind pushing it type of way.

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If we are going by Naruto keep the old one, but if we are going for realize then the new one. I say the new one just so lighting beats water, water is a great conductor and can even hurt the water user. I also see how earth beats lighting, if you think about it if lighting is grounded its discharged, so ya. For me, I'm a real guy go for the new one.    

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