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Limited Time Mastery Reset Scroll



A master reset scroll has been talked about for over 2 years by the community with the cancellation of advance jutsus i truly belive we should get a yearly chance to change our second mastery. As everyone who plays nin knows lvling is painful, grinding is painful we cant choose anything in the game but our mastery everything else is RNG is its really  frustrating when player choose a second mastery and it gets nerfed, revamped, etc and get no compensation for it thus leaving alot of people  even more frustrated by implenting a yearly mastery reset players can at least pick another mastery and enjoy the game and experiment. This will also reduce the influx of 'alts' that plague this game. Please take this into deep consideration i guarantee us the players will deeply appreciate this change.

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I see your idea.

Perhaps a more realistic possibility would be to allow everyone the opportunity to change their second mastery ONE time at level 60.

This would allow people who didn't like their second mastery from 50-60 the possibility to change their mastery.

It would also not be easy to meta chase as whatever you switch to might not be the meta down the line.

Personally I would definitely start playing again if I could change my mastery from medical on Kin because it just gets very simple.

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People go for what is strong over what they wanted/liked in naruto. People went GF-WM, GF-Medic, WM-Medic, Fan-Wind-Medic etc. Those players went for the current meta knowing their mastery had no future with advanced. Those players achieved greatness with their broken meta masteries and now that advanced are cancelled, their masteries are even more meta. 

Imagine how much damage a mastery reset would do. We already see way too many Medics, WMs, Tai users and GF.  All of those always happen to be mixed with each others because they are way too strong. Each of them have a blatant advantage on elements called sub path.

Now that advances are cancelled, it is more than normal to go for what is strong and ignore the consequences of them not working in the future because there is currently no future for any mastery combo.

No one should ever get a mastery reset.

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some of you in this thread are assuming that people that would get a mastery reset would chase the meta but in fact a good portion of the community wants to try different and new combinations. Also it would be better to put it at level 60 for 3 reasons.

1. The level cap is 60 and won't be going to 70 no time soon
2. Gives motivation after 50 to keep leveling
3. Changes/fixes occur that hinder masteries. Ie. Drilling Air losing its triple hit...at first it was ok then when fixed it was listed as a bug. 

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Exactly the changes which the devs do massively impact our masteries just look at wind and wm. The devs changed them and gave us players who play them 0 compensation a yearly mastery reset can fix this because no one wants to grind all the way to 50 just for them to get another change to what ever mastery they pick. We need this mastery reset scroll i swear we do this aint right at all man and you know what to when we do get a mastery reset we still gotta lvl up jutsus which some take a long time to even max... buy the jutsus with blanks that fail ..... like i dont see the problem with this man

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Level 50 and/or 60 mastery resets should 100% be a thing.

 Giving player options, to players who put the "time in" a player driven "RNG" based game, should be a no brainer.

Class resetting has been a thing for a long time in MMOs... most often only purchasable (Understandable if free to play).

One stat reset at level 10 & 50 and mastery reset for everyone at level 50 is a good idea. 

For Nin business growth as a whole though... Mastery resets as a cash shop/ SS tier coupon purchasable option should've (unbiasedly) already existed, if you like the idea or not. 



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On 10/22/2021 at 7:56 PM, Drusilla said:

Exactly the changes which the devs do massively impact our masteries just look at wind and wm. The devs changed them and gave us players who play them 0 compensation a yearly mastery reset can fix this because no one wants to grind all the way to 50 just for them to get another change to what ever mastery they pick. We need this mastery reset scroll i swear we do this aint right at all man and you know what to when we do get a mastery reset we still gotta lvl up jutsus which some take a long time to even max... buy the jutsus with blanks that fail ..... like i dont see the problem with this man

Wind had 1 jutsu nerfed. This jutsu was more than over the top over powered. 

Wm NEEDED nerfs. They have VERY heavy melee attacks. Their jutsu needed balancing.

When most people chose a mastery, they go for what is strong over what they would have wanted to be as a ninja living into the naruto verse. There isnt a single person on earth who  told to himself he would be a medical hyuga weilding a sword if he was in naruto. This is just incompatible in the manga and anime. Sadly its a thing in Nin. If GFs were to change in a way wielding a sword wasnt a thing anymore,(expemple if mastery gets locked and both tai and gf path were to be agi based), should we give them a mastery reset because those who abused the game mechanics felt bad about their unlikely mastery combo no working well anymore? I do not think so. They went for something they knew was more than likely impossible in the universe nin is based of and abused of the situation. they knew the risks.

Another good exemple are those who went WM then medic. They knew their choices wouldnt have a future advanced mastery. They still went for it. There isnt a single player who achieve lvl 50 and doesnt know those facts. But people still does it. At this point its their fault. Its not the game designer ruining their mastery. Its the player ruining his character in the long term run. Its sabotage and none should have a mastery reset for it.

The only possible way i see someone could get a mastery reset in a fair way is for those who would have wanted a double mastery as advanced in the future. You currently cannot have lets say TAI TAI. You must be TAI + something else. Advanced are gonna have Tai Tai so those who went tai + somehting else should be able not to change their second mastery but go for double tai. Same goes for any double mastery as long as the second one is the same as the first you went for.          (I hope thise makes sense to you lol)


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