Massive Ban Wave & Trade Reversals


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Dear Ninja,

We've recently cracked down on a syndicate of cheaters who exploited a vulnerability in the game to cause irreversible damage to the game's economy. However, with the help of vigilant players and @Erox, we've managed to reverse the bulk of the damage caused. This involved millions of ryo of cheating, and 65 banned accounts.

Some extremely imbalanced trades, items selling way above market prices have also been reversed. So if you notice Ryo has disappeared from your account. Don't panic, you'll see that the items you sold have been added to your account.

More of such reversals may happen in the coming days.

If you are involved directly in cheating, you may come forward with information on other cheaters or exploits in return for lenient punishments. We will also accept appeals, but for the most part, these 65 accounts have too much damning evidence to consider reversing them.


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