
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Akatsuki

  1. I swear I didn't call the attack. Promise
  2. 1 year and 6 days actually I'm almost at 2 years I think :S
  3. Looks great. Keep up the good work everyone
  4. Just finished Baka to Test S1 :)

  5. It's not open at the moment. The admins will post a topic closer to the date they intend to open it I believe.
  6. Looks good! Keep up the great work everyone.
  7. Good job guys. Keep up the good work
  8. That's fine with me. Take your time.
  9. I'll try and help in the future if you like
  10. I can't wait! It's going to be great I'll probably be doing a lot of PvP as well as trying to find bugs to help you guys make the perfect game for Beta.
  11. Glad to see it's back up and running.
  12. Huge thumbs up to everyone who has donated
  13. Unfortunately, I just paid for my holidays in September and won't have any money to spare for about a month. Once I get my paycheck (sucks being paid monthly), I'll be sure to donate!
  14. Happy 1 year anniversary! Can't wait to test out the game. Hopefully I can find things to keep the Developers busy
  15. C#, y u no working :(

    1. Abhi


      What's the problem?

    2. Akatsuki


      I ended up fixing it. Contextmenustrip wasn't working as planned :S

  16. C#, y u no working :(

  17. The development logs and @ streaming are the things I look forward to every time I log in. In fact, I'm learning C# in the hopes that i can help in the future
  18. 2-3 seconds maybe? If possible, maybe a bigger AoE?
  19. Looking good Keep up the great work!
  20. They sound great! Keep up the good work
  21. Akatsuki


    The good thing is that if anyone misses the streamyou can always watch it offline, by going to Seth's Profile --> Past Broadcasts.
  22. Akatsuki


    Doesn't bother me with whatever way you decide to go. Gives me something to look forward to each time