
Silver Ninja
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Everything posted by Jahmah

  1. New profile song, a gift for your ears.

  2. 7 Years huh, where has the time gone. Congrats on the 7 years.
  3. Happy Birthday, Making me feel old over here.
  4. Actual Leaf ninja now, wasn't enjoying sand so I'll play with the boys in leaf.

  5. Good thing I have no friends with who to share accounts with.
  6. I acknowledge my bad behavior and apologize for my weak will when I'm asked for something. Forgive my transgressions. -bows head-
  7. Game needs more gambling add some card games so I can take people money. Bookshelves looking snazzy.
  8. Ever since I was a wee lad, my dream has been to turn into a puddle, thanks for making dreams possible.
  9. Gonna be sad for at least a few days.

    1. Ueda


      Thank you for participating

  10. Your sister is pretty.

  11. He probably means that now only the real medics are gonna play medic, this weeds out the wannabes from the professionals.
  12. Embrace The Earth's Change.

  13. Rory what if i register as trans, what bathroom do I use?
  14. The day of reckoning is upon us. That theory exam though, gonna end up an eternal genin.
  15. God Came to me in a dream and was like, This new Ninja game is gonna be the best 2D Naruto game in the universe. Jahma since your my homie I came to personally tell you about it so you don't miss out on it. Then me and God shared a blunt, while watching Friday then I woke up. I watched some porn then came to your site and the rest is history.
  16. That 22% is full of the trolls.
  17. My hope is like an endless roller coaster, it might go up and down but it never stops.
  18. Very Nice Animations. Add a Pwned animation for when you die lol.
  19. Well Use that useless credit and skip platinum and go straight to Challenger.
  20. Your penis can't take anymore enhancements, It's going to break.
  21. Sometimes I just wanna Taric.