Kuraen Wilkor

Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Kuraen Wilkor

  1. It's time for me to go on a holidays, so most likely you won't see me for at least 4 weeks. See ya and don't start 3rd CE without me

  2. @Rory#4everwaiting4cegallery2016

  3. @Konahri First Medic Chunin ^^


    1. evoliiX


      #medic4life x3

  4. 3h and 48 min till CE ^^ Hype buton is on


  5. I did start mine as soon as I did seen Rory's one end
  6. @Konahri I don't blame you at all Kona with so much text it's easy to overlook something and even more likely do to something like that when you sleepy
  7. Okay since evoliiX ended up not being able to join CE, me and Dennis are looking for someone to replace him, so start writing to me right now 

  8. Still looking for one more person to join me and DennisDaPro in CE 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Kuraen Wilkor

      Kuraen Wilkor

      Well I know nothing about it

    3. evoliiX


      Ikr, im not new :). This is going to be fun! btw i like your profile song wilkor

    4. Kuraen Wilkor

      Kuraen Wilkor

      Thanks, btw evoliix what are your masterys? 

  9. Hell yeah lets boost evrything to the lvl we will all go down with one hit then everything will be balance
  10. Fire Medic with experience looking for CE team

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DennisDaPro


      I'm also looking for a CE team. Fire + lighting here. Wanna team up? 

    3. Kuraen Wilkor

      Kuraen Wilkor

      Why not, glad to have you on a team

    4. DennisDaPro


      Now we only need one more. 

  11. Since is co close to CE it's time for the Fire Medic to return to NinO

  12. For a shopkeeper the one on the left looks better, she won't scare away costumers XD
  13. Looking for chunnin exam team, I am a Fire Medic


  14. I did everything like you have writen down here and when I try to launch it as admin explorer crashes and I need to restart it, but the launcher doesnt start and no message shows up