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Meth last won the day on January 17 2018

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  1. Good idea, Now everyone can see just how over-populated Leaf village is xD step in a good direction tho +1
  2. You know whats a bigger joke? I don't play the game anymore for the time being xD
  3. Currently in the waiting rooms as well guys, hopefully it will be a well thought out balance change, Also Rory why don't you select a few people as 'testers' of sorts who have played the game a long time and who you trust, then get their opinions / suggestions and take them into account when balancing after all we know it's your game but we are the ones playing the game. All in all personally I've been waiting to install nin again when something exciting comes around.
  4. The way you're selling all of this doesn't seem like it, seems like you are sponsored or something [Most likely aren't] You say that you CAN'T fix it yet you could but don't have the resources to do it as you mentioned after that [Which i hardly believe in] , Why not just boldly say you aren't going to go for other servers like you sometimes do on discord? Having the excuse of "But most of our players are NA" Yes, because you only appeal to that side of the world with the servers... that to me isn't a job well done.. Anywho i don't want this to become a day's prolonged discussion so i'll leave it here.
  5. Just because you explained why doesn't seem acceptable to me for it to be a thing that most of us have to do just to play the game fluently and you're saying it like it's a "must thing to do", I myself don't have that bad of a ping compared to others its god-like without using 3rd party programs [Mine is around 100-140] But the way you're addressing this is like you are saying to everyone "Buy this if you want to play our game"
  6. Having to buy 3rd party programs shouldn't be a thing just to play a god damn 2D game...
  7. Looks like a lot of thought went into this and work too, can't wait to get my hands on both of these masks Good job on the event planning i'm already looking forward to the next one ^^
  8. Meth

    So what if..

    Yes.. if they made it like that, don't take every games reb system and think of it the same - there can be adjustments and what not but the replay ability is there to enjoy the game more, 'endless grinding' but you dont even know if leveling by grinding will be a thing once you rebirthed? You dont know anything because its just a idea and while i meant for the general idea to be a 'rebirth' system, it would be not very advantageous more like looking better, cooler looking jutsu and stuff like that
  9. Meth

    So what if..

    I don't like the "you two will never been see again." part... a bit too extreme for getting all the way to level 100 and having it all pretty much reset... Would be a cool scene for a rebirth system tho.. level 100 > rebirth > you're a stronger level 1 ^^
  10. Just an extra one to use in the future
  11. Nice, all i want to say is that i'd love to see more of these in the future! Keep us informed if possible!
  12. When Rory unleashes the great power of his fingers.....