
Silver Ninja
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Everything posted by Kaito

  1. Kaito

    End of an Era

    It was a good run, I am excited for Boruto.
  2. Like controllllaa.

  3. 戦士ã®ç£ Senshi no Kemono aka Warrior Beast.
  4. You guys are so patient. :*

    1. HypnoMan


      If your taking about how long the game is taking, I just play games on the side like anyone else :p

    2. TakudoOLD
  5. Got 99% of my info card completed.

    1. Hermit


      and you need some music.

  6. Claus. http://m.quickmeme.com/meme/3u1cvc/
  7. Purchase ALL the Hokage hats.
  8. I can't say I feel the nostalgia.
  9. Have fun with us cool cats.
  10. Kaito


    ^ I noticed messy fractal usage. But just practice, it takes a lot to get great.
  11. Kaito


    Welcome to the dark side.
  12. LOL. Just watch Shin Chan.
  13. The progress is amazing. Though I'd be trying to take it to another level if I were you.
  14. It's very good. You won't be disappointed.
  15. Kaito

    New Sections

    I'd like to see a GFX section. I could make a showcase.~ ????????
  16. @Whack You are greatly appreciated. Just don't fuck up. Jk. But seriously. Don't. ( ´?`)y??~~