
Silver Ninja
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  1. Antar's post in Summoning was marked as the answer   
    I like the sage mode idea and players already made a post about it in the past but the way you balanced makes one summon 10X better than the other and we should not forget that summons are village locked so only leaf and sand get 10+ int buff in your suggestion and no way for the mist to get it.
    7+ in the chakra is nothing and it only amounts to 35 chakra which is not bad in itself but compared to other suggestions it does seem bad.
    15+ in fortitude completely overshadows the other buffs fortitude is one of the best stats you can get 150 hp isn't something to look down upon.
    Rather than just adding stats buffs like this it will be better for it to be something unique.
  2. Antar's post in The Most Braindead YET Greatest Suggestion Ever was marked as the answer   
    Coupons should not be tradable if you want to get them you should participate in the event. 
    Making daily reset tradable will cause players with a  lot of Ryo to level 10x faster than normal players or even more If you want a daily reset you should participate in an event you must earn it yourself and the gm team is hosting events a lot so I don't think getting coupon is hard.
    The blessing should stay 10k, to be honest like how Lumy said and they are not P2W you might choose when to use it if you buy it but at the same time, you are helping all the other players online with you.
    My view might be wrong but that's how I feel about it.